Augusto Lopez-Claros keynote speaker
- Competitiveness
- Financial Markets
- Global Economic Trends
- International Development
Since March of 2011 Augusto López-Claros is Director of Global Indicators and Analysis with the World Bank Group. He was Chief Economist and Director of the Global Competitiveness Program at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, where he was the editor of the Global Competitiveness Report, the Forum’s flagship publication, as well as a number of regional economic reports. Before joining the Forum he was Executive Director with Lehman Brothers (London) and Senior International Economist. He was the International Monetary Fund’s resident representative in the Russian Federation during 1992-95. Before joining the IMF, he was professor of economics at the University of Chile in Santiago.
López-Claros was educated in England and the United States, receiving a diploma in Mathematical Statistics from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University.
He is the author of numerous articles and papers on international economic issues, including: The Search for Efficiency in the Adjustment Process: Spain in the 1980s; The European Monetary System: Developments and Perspectives (co-author); Fiscal Policy Issues During the Transition in Russia, Ten Years of Russian Economic Reform; Reforming the IMF; Interdependence, Cooperation, and the Emergence of Global Institutions; Chile: the Next State of Development; The Role of International Financial Organizations During the Transition in Russia; Israel: Factors in the Emergence of an ICT Powerhouse (co-author); The Innovation Capacity Index: Factors, Policies, and Institutions Driving Country Innovation, and many others. His interests include the role of interdependence and cooperation in the emergence of global institutions, elements of a successful approach to economic development, and aspects of management of the globalization process.