Brian David Johnson keynote speaker

Futurist and Fellow at Frost and Sullivan, former Intel Corporation's Chief Futurist & Principal Engineer
  • Designing the Future
  • Digital Advertising
  • The Future of Technology
  • The Future of the American Dream
  • The Tomorrow Project
  • Wearables & IoT
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The future is Brian David Johnson's business. As a futurist he works with organizations to develop an actionable 10 -15 year vision and what it will feel like to live in the future. His work is called futurecasting, using ethnographic field studies, technology research, cultural history, trend data, global interviews and even science fiction to provide a pragmatic roadmap of the future.

As an applied futurist Johnson has worked with governments, militaries, trade organizations, start-ups and multinational corporations to not only help envision their future but specify the steps needed to get there.

Johnson is currently a Futurist and Fellow at Frost and Sullivan and the Futurist in Residence at Arizona State University’s Center for Science and the Imagination and a professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society.

Johnson speaks and writes extensively in ongoing columns for IEEE Computer Magazine and Successful Farming where he is the "Farm Futurist”.  He has contributed articles to publications like The Wall Street Journal, Slate, and  Wired Magazine.

Johnson holds over 30 patents and is the author of both science fiction and fact books (Humanity in the Machine, 21st Century Robot, Vintage Tomorrows and Science Fiction Prototyping).

He was appointed first futurist ever at the Intel Corporation in 2009 where he worked for over a decade helping to design over 2 billion microprocessors.

Johnson appears regularly on Bloomberg TV, PBS, FOX News, and the Discovery Channel and has been featured in Scientific American, The Technology Review, Forbes, INC, and Popular Science.  He has directed two feature films and is an illustrator and commissioned painter.


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