Ken Goldberg

Award-winning Artist, Roboticist, Filmmaker, and UC Berkeley Engineering Professor Ken Goldberg is a popular public speaker who combines compelling images and videos in dynamic presentations on emerging trends in Artificial Intelligence and Robots.

Ken trains the next generation of researchers and entrepreneurs in his research lab at UC Berkeley; he has published over 300 papers in robotics and social media and holds 8 US Patents.  His work has been cited in over 15,000 publications.  Ken is co-founder and Chief Scientist at Ambi Robotics.

Ken is a pioneer in technology and artistic visual expression, bridging the “Two Cultures” of Art and Science. With unique skills in communication and creative problem solving, invention, and thinking on the edge, Ken has presented over 600 keynote and invited lectures to audiences around the world at events such as the World Economic Forum, Aspen Ideas Festival, Amazon re:MARS, Google Zeitgeist, TEDx, Web 2.0, SXSW, MIT EmTech, and at MIT, Harvard, CMU, Stanford, Oxford, Technion, Google, Amazon, ATT, Autodesk, Cisco, Credit Lyonnais Asia, Deloitte, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Fidelity, Flextronics, Freeman Group, Fujitsu, General Electric, IBM, Intel, McKinsey, Oracle, Samsung, Siemens, Tata Communications, UBS, and Vodefone on the topics below.

Ken was awarded the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellowship from President Bill Clinton in 1995 and elected IEEE Fellow in 2005.  Ken and his students pioneer research in robot grasping, motion, and design for applications ranging from surgery to manufacturing to home automation to precision agriculture.  Ken’s artwork has appeared in 70 exhibits including the Whitney Biennial and he developed the first provably complete algorithm for part feeding and the first robot on the Internet.  Ken served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), Co-Founder of: the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), Hybrid Wisdom Labs, the Moxie Film Studio, the African Robotics Network (AFRON), and Founding Director of UC Berkeley’s Art, Technology, and Culture Lecture Series. Ken’s projects are regularly featured on television, radio, and in publications such as the New York Times, The Atlantic, MIT Tech Review, BBC, Fast Company, der Spiegel, and Rolling Stone.