Thomas Kozlowski

Thomas Kozlowski is an experienced skydiver, mountain rescuer, psychologist, coach and motivational speaker.

As a six-year-old boy, he had two dreams – he wanted to become a mountain rescuer and a skydiver. He devotes his entire life to the implementation of extreme projects that help people most affected by fate.

He has a wonderful wife Paulina, with whom they have two children – 20-year-old Adam and 5-year-old Ann

In December 2014, along with two other parachute jumpers, going into the stratosphere with a hot air balloon, he made the highest parachute jump in Europe (35220 ft).

He wrote an inspiring book about it, titled, “The Story of A Thousand Fears”.

On 21 June 2017, beating the Polish record twice, he jumped 50 times in one day (he dedicated each jump to a specific person in need, for which he collected over $50.000. He received the CHARITY HERO award for this project.

A year later, in one day, he jumped 100 times, collecting over $150.000 for 100 specialized wheelchairs for disabled children.

In addition to activities related to skydiving, Thomas was also an active mountain rescuer and psychologist through many years.

Over the years, he was permanently associated with the mountains, where he completed hundreds of training hours in caving, rock and ice climbing, river crossings and helicopter rescue operations, avalanche and medical training. For his activity as a rescuer he was awarded the silver badge of the Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service and the BERGWACHT badge for saving the life of a German mountain rescuer buried in an avalanche.

During one of the rescue operations in the mountains, when two rescuers from Thomas’ group died in the avalanche, already as a psychologist, he organized specialist psychological intervention for rescuers who took part in the action.

This event resulted in entering the path of crisis intervention in which Thomas combined knowledge and experience from two sides of these heavy tasks. His work in this most difficult part of psychology has been awarded many times, and as one of the few specialists in the country, he is often invited to major television stations.

Bertrand Piccard

The first surprising thing about Bertrand Piccard is the extreme diversity of his interests and abilities.

An explorer unconstrained by certitude and stereotypes, a pioneer of the human spirit more than an adventurer; he rejects all dogmas other than the need for all-embracing curiosity.

As an enthusiastic balloonist and aviator, Bertrand tackles challenges that others consider impossible. He made the first ever non-stop round-the-world flight in a balloon and launched the «Solar Impulse» project for a solar airplane, in which he flew from Europe to Africa without a single drop of fuel.

A doctor and psychiatrist, he derives from his training in hypnosis and his interest in oriental philosophies a different focus putting human beings and their quality of life in the foreground.

A real visionary, he formulates his projects’ pioneering philosophies and sketches out their symbolic significance and relevance for the public. The stratosphere and ocean depths attracted his forefathers, but the issues of today fascinate him: sustainable development, responsibility, the fight against poverty, technologies for environmental protection.

A persuasive communicator, he has a striking way of always trying to build bridges between the extremes in order to develop synergies instead of oppositions.

Through his books, lectures and interviews as well as in political encounters he tries to promote a human-oriented vision that leaves ample room for pioneering spirit and innovation in everyday life.

He is the president of the humanitarian foundation Winds of Hope and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.