Jack Shaw

Jack Shaw is the quintessential candidate for delivering transformative knowledge of AI at high-level business gatherings.

For over 20 years, Shaw has been an influential voice on AI as well as on such other critical emerging technologies as IoT and Blockchain, articulating complex ideas with clarity. In 2023, following the initial release of ChatGPT, he emerged as a pivotal figure in AI discourse, speaking nearly 40 times in 25 states.

His unique blend of experience, foresight in technology trends, and ability to demystify AI make him an unparalleled expert for guiding organizations through the AI-driven future of business.

Voted as one of the Top 5 Technology Futurist Speakers, Shaw's insights have resonated powerfully with audiences in Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, and other organizations in both the public and private sectors. His speaking experience spans hundreds of events in 26 countries, making him a sought-after figure among leaders and professionals globally.

Shaw's current prominence is underpinned by a career spanning four decades at the forefront of AI development and its integration into the business world.

His journey began in the 1980's as Director of Product Marketing at a leading software company, where he first explored AI's potential in revolutionizing business operations.

In the 1990’s, Shaw authored three pivotal books on technology and business management, delving into nascent AI forms like rules-based systems to enhance industry automation.

In the 2000’s, Shaw's expertise expanded as he led an AI software company specializing in Knowledge-Based Expert Systems. This period solidified his role as a key AI strategist.