Maickel Melamed Trujillo

Maickel Melamed was born on April 27 of 1975 in Caracas, Venezuela. Melamed was diagnosed at birth with "motor delay" (a state of general hypotonia of the body) due to asphyxiation with umbilical cord and the doctors did not give him long life. What defines Maickel Melamed, from the beginning of his life, has been his self-motivated and courageous everyday bet against adversity, the fullness of his existence and his transcendence.

Maickel Melamed is passionate about HUMAN POWER; he is an economist, psychotherapist, Life Management coach, author, speaker, communicator and high performance athlete. All this defines his areas of action, from which he builds with tools and methodologies to facilitate his vocation: expansion, productivity, development and human growth. From his integral vision of the human being, he shows through the most diverse forms, that we all have the ability to build, through our talents and passions, a fantastic story worth living, enjoying and sharing.

Transforming the impossible into reality has been his signature, conveying his message of possibility, effectiveness and humanity. For more than a decade, he has been a speaker, facilitator and workshop director for organizations in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica and the United States.

He is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations in Venezuela and a member of the Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. His purpose in life is to help others be better, beyond what they think they can be, through the discovery of their true potential and its later usage. Maickel Melamed has practiced extreme sports such as paragliding, parachuting, diving, and mountain climbing. He is currently dedicated to athletics. He climbed the highest mountain in his country Venezuela, the 5007m high Bolívar Peak.

Despite his condition, Melamed has participated in several marathons and has been able to conclude successfully. In 2011 he participated in the New York marathon, subsequently in Berlin, Chicago and Boston in 2015.

Putting what he believes in into action, both personally and professionally, is his contribution to the planet he wishes for future generations, a world in which success is too small a goal and human transcendence comes to take its place.

Javier Solana

Javier Solana’s official title is High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy for the European Union. He took the post following his four-year position as Secretary General of NATO.

Javier Solana was born in Madrid in 1942. As a youth he joined the then-outlawed Spanish Socialist Workers Party, and supported the party’s opposition to NATO.

After the socialists won the 1982 elections, they reversed their NATO policy. Spain had joined the organization earlier that year.

Javier Solana is one of Spain’s cleverest political figures. Personable and smooth-talking, an able negotiator, fluent in English and French, the former Madrid University Physics professor is one of the few members of the socialist government headed by Felipe González whose image was relatively untouched by the corruption scandals that cost the González government the 1996 general elections.

Solana was a socialist member of parliament from 1977 to 1995. He served variously as Minister of Culture, Minister of Education and Science and finally Minister of Foreign Affairs, a post he held between 1992 and his appointment as NATO Secretary General in 1995. His appointment came at the same time as the Treaty’s deployment of a peace-keeping force in war-torn Bosnia.

He has negotiated numerous Treaties of Association between the European Union and various Middle Eastern and Latin American countries, including Bolivia and Colombia. Solana played a pivotal role in unifying the remainder of the former Yugoslavian federation.

Solana spent six years as a Fulbright Scholar in the United States and received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Virginia.

Fred Kofman

Fred Kofman is Axialent’s co-founder and President. An extraordinary teacher, Fred awakens people to act with greater responsibility, integrity and courage; his ideas combine philosophical depth with practical applicability. He has created and taught programs in leadership, personal mastery, team learning, organizational effectiveness and coaching for more than 15,000 participants. His clients include industry leaders such as Microsoft, Shell, Yahoo! and General Motors.

Fred holds a PhD in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, where he was distinguished as outstanding instructor. He worked as an assistant professor of Management Accounting and Control Systems at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, where he received the “Teacher of the Year” award in 1992. At MIT, he was also a senior researcher at the Organizational Learning Center, where he worked with Peter Senge. He is also a founding member of the Free Cities Institute at the University Francisco Marroquin (2011), which promotes the free cities which are free - market version of the charter cities , to innovate the forms of government of the future. He is also a board member of the Hispanic Mises Institute seeks to promote the Austrian school and libertarianism among the Spanish - speaking audience following the line of the Mises Institute in Alabama.

He is now a "influencer" of LinkedIn and one of the most widely read columnists.

Fred has led seminars in the U.S., Europe, South America and Asia and presented his research at MIT’s Sloan School, Harvard University’s Economic Department, Harvard Business School, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the University of California at Los Angeles and Berkeley, The London School of Economics, the University of Tel Aviv, Universidad de Barcelona, Nanyang Technological Institute of Singapore, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, and Universidad Francisco Marroquin. He also teaches in Naropa University and the University of Notre Dame’s Executive MBA and non-degree executive education programs.

His work has appeared in several publications including The Fifth Discipline Field Book, The Journal of Organizational Dynamics, Management Science and Econometrica. He is the author of the trilogy Metamanagement (Granica, 2001) and the audio program Conscious Business (Sounds True, 2002).

Beyond his work, Fred enjoys traveling and outdoor activities having run nine marathons, climbed Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya, heli-skied in the Bugaboos and the Himalayas, scuba-dived in the Caribbean, and trekked for several weeks in Nepal and Thailand.