Ilenia Vidili

Ilenia Vidili is a customer centricity advisor, author and keynote speaker. Her mission is to help businesses to achieve a competitive advantage by becoming more customer-centric — helping them to think differently, streamline processes, turn product mentalities into people mentalities, and create more value for their customers. Through keynote speeches and workshops she has inspired leaders and C-level executives of the likes of Coca-Cola, L’Oréal, KLM, and Harrods. She also lectures at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and other universities around the world.

Audiences describe her presentations as very engaging and inspiring. In particular, they enjoy how she uses storytelling and analogies to breathe life into business concepts. Ilenia is able to involve participants — encouraging dialogue and discussion, and providing practical techniques they could apply to their work immediately. She is the author of Journey to Centricity: a customer-centric framework for the era of stakeholder capitalism, a definitive roadmap for leaders to transform into truly customer-centric companies.

Bridget Brennan

Bridget Brennan is Founder & CEO of the strategic consultancy, Female Factor, and author of the groundbreaking books, Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World’s Most Powerful Consumers (Crown Business) and Winning Her Business: How to Transform the Customer Experience for the World’s Most Powerful Consumers (HarperCollins Leadership). She is the most sought-after expert on the women’s consumer market. Brennan helps many of the world’s biggest brands and businesses grow through an inclusive approach to marketing and sales. She addresses audiences all over the globe and has spoken on nearly every continent. Her insights help executives see their marketing, sales and customer experience strategies through a powerful, new lens.

Brennan is a long-time contributing writer for and was named a “Woman to Watch in Retail Disruption” by the Remodista think tank. She serves on the Women’s Advisory Board of the Minnesota Vikings NFL team and is a member of the National Speakers Association, the Network of Executive Women and the Economic Club of Chicago. She was named a top keynote speaker of 2020 by Real Leaders.

Brennan’s consumer research is the foundation for her books and consulting firm. Her first book, Why She Buys, was called “essential reading” by The Wall Street Journal. Her latest book, Winning Her Business, was nominated for the prestigious Porchlight Business Book of the Year.

Brennan has served as an instructor at Northwestern University’s Medill School graduate program in Integrated Marketing Communications, and as a guest lecturer at universities and business schools including the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the University of Notre Dame. A graduate of Texas A&M University, Brennan is based in Chicago.

Karen Post

A branding enthusiast, serial entrepreneur, and resilient businesswoman.

Karen Post loves to present high-energy programs on branding, entrepreneurship and personal power. She shares knowledge, delivers meaningful content and inspires action. If you need a power-house speaker for your next event, Karen is your perfect choice. For more than 30 years, Karen Post has been developing solutions and implementing methods that make things happen.

She started her first business at the age of 22, and built two successful companies: an award-winning ad agency and a legal communication firm specializing in high-stakes litigation that she led for over twenty years. Her life and business journey has included ups and downs, victories and defeats all adding to her success and unique experience-rich perspective. Since 2000, she has led Brain Tattoo Branding, a firm that provides creative and strategic services to start, grow, and manage brands.

Karen is a sought after speaker, who addresses global audiences, and is proud to have been the first female American speaker to address the Saudi Arabian Airlines national conference in 2011.

In 2006, she launched Brain Tattoo Publishing, an online enterprise for creatively-charged entrepreneurs, business professionals and marketers that now produces digital learning tools in niche markets. Throughout her career, her work has benefited diverse industries, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies including: ACNielsen, Celanese, Choice International, Cox Cable and Media, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Chevron, Johnson & Johnson, Bank of America, Xerox, Sara Lee, Pepsi, and Procter & Gamble along with many emerging businesses, trade associations, professional athletes, entertainers, and politicians. Karen makes people confront comfort zones in a healthy way.

She challenges conventional thinking and opens minds to new possibilities. “Can’t be done” is not in her vocabulary. She gets excited about what does not work and lives by the mantra “No risk. No nothing.” Karen has been a regular contributor to and has been featured branding expert in over 300 business and marketing print, broadcast, and online media outlets. Her writing about small business, branding, advertising, marketing and social media is published internationally. Karen has authored two marketing and branding books, her latest is Brand Turnaround: How Brands Gone Bad Returned to Glory… and the 7 Game Changers that Made the Difference (McGraw-Hill). Her first book Brain Tattoos: Creating Unique Brands That Stick in Your Customers’ Minds (AMACOM) was published in the United States and in Korea.

Karen helps organizations excel through distinct brands and personal power. Her keynotes inspire, her workshops empower, and her facilitation sessions stimulate innovation and release bottled-up ideas for action.