Toby Lewis

Toby Lewis is a Cyber Security Expert with a career that began within the British Intelligence Services. He was a founding member of the National Cyber Security Centre and now leads an international team of Cyber Security Analysts for British AI & Cyber Security firm, Darktrace. His career has been punctuated by major Cyber Security events, initially working on the threat from Nation State espionage until WannaCry transformed the Cyber Crime landscape into one dominated by Ransomware.

Toby has delivered keynote speeches at flagship conferences on Cyber Security, sharing his experiences working at the sharp end, combating major Cyber Security incidents and providing insights into the cyber threat landscape. He has provided expert commentary for mainstream broadcast news and print media, on topics ranging from the benefits and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence, to joining BBC Radio 5 Live on the morning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to discuss the potential use of Cyber Weapons by the two countries.

Since joining Darktrace at the start of 2021, Toby has been at the forefront of the real-world application of AI and Machine Learning within Cybersecurity, drawing on his Artificial Intelligence expertise and a deep understanding of the value in the right type of AI for the right application and the human factors around building confidence within organisations as they begin their journey with AI. With the AI explosion associated with ChatGPT, this also means engaging in a much more informed debate, balancing out the hype and catastrophisers with a pragmatic view of this new technology.

War stories gathered over nearly 20 years in Cyber Security allow Toby to provide an accessible introduction to the intersections of technology, geopolitics and cybersecurity, as well as deeper expertise on topics such as the application of Artificial Intelligence in cyber security, and what really happens when hackers get access to your network.

Tyler Cohen Wood

Tyler Cohen Wood is a cyber-authority with 20 years of highly technical experience, 13 of which were spent working for the Department of Defense (DoD). As a keynote speaker, author, blogger, national security expert, and overall cyber authority, she is relied on to provide unique insight into cyber threats, cyber warfare, mitigating cyber risk, national security, and ensuring industries have the tools and knowledge they need to defend themselves in the digital world. Tyler sits on several cyber advisory boards such as the EC-Council Global Advisory Board (ECIH) and the CyberSat Conference Advisory Board. In January 2019 she was included in the Cybersecurity Ventures list of “Top 25 Cybersecurity Experts to Follow on Social Media In 2019”.

Along with being a private consultant, Tyler is launching cybergirlpower, a conference to get girls excited about cybersecurity, teach them how to protect themselves in the digital domain, give them hands-on cybersecurity experience and help them to become the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.

Prior to cybergirlpower, Tyler worked in the private sector as a Director of the Cyber Risk Management group at AT&T, and as an Executive Director at CyberVista, using thought leadership and her cybersecurity expertise to develop new and inventive solutions to protect customers from hackers and the ever-increasing cyber threat landscape.

Prior to that, Tyler worked at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under the DoD, serving as a Senior Intelligence Officer, Deputy Cyber Division Chief of the Special Communications Division and the DIA Science and Technologies Directorate-selected Cyber Subject Matter Expert (SME). While at DIA, she developed highly technical cyber solutions, and made recommendations and decisions significantly interpreting, developing and changing critical cyber policies and directives affecting current and future DoD and intelligence community programs. She has helped the White House, DoD, federal law enforcement, and the intelligence community thwart many threats to United States cyber security.

Tyler was also responsible for developing and leading many interagency working groups and task forces to develop, assess and deconflict advanced technical capabilities and techniques currently being used by U.S. Special Forces and the intelligence community to conduct special operations and missions.

She has given many empowering keynotes and presentations for companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100s. Tyler has been a keynote and session speaker at conferences such as RSA, Defcon/Blackhat, HTCIA, Bloomberg Legal Conference Series, DoD Cybercrime Conference, ISSA, ISACA, EY Global and Mobility Talent Conference Berlin, A Gateway to Cybersecurity, Annual Corporate Fleet Conference (AFLA), EC Council, Hacker Halted, FedEx Cyber Security Conference, Millennium Alliance, BankersWeb Conference, Verizon, Canadian Pharmacy Conference, Raymond James and many more.

Her latest book, Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators, and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life(2014, The Career Press), teaches how to safely and successfully navigate the online world, and protect yourself, your children, your business and your privacy.

Tyler’s expertise has made her a highly sought-after guest and writer for both national and local television, radio, print and online media. She has been featured on Good Morning America, FOX and Friends, CBS Evening News, ABC World News Tonight, Bloomberg, CNN, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, WGN, among others, and in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Huffington Post.

With a passion for helping the average person understand the dangers and pitfalls of living in a digital world, Tyler is also called upon as a featured speaker to educate audiences of all demographics on the ever-growing and ever-changing digital landscape.

Graham Cluley

Graham Cluley is one of the world's leading experts on computer viruses, spam and cybercrime.

For over 20 years he worked for global infosecurity firms, assisted computer crime authorities in their investigations, and was on the front line during history's largest computer virus outbreaks.

Mr Cluley is an author, blogger and columnist having written thousands of articles about online security for a wide range of publications, and was given an honorary mention in the "10 Greatest Britons in IT History" for his contribution as a leading authority in internet security.

Mr Cluley has won many awards for his writing, and was honored to be inducted into the InfoSecurity Europe Hall of Fame in 2011.

Between 1999 and 2013, Mr. Cluley worked as a senior technology consultant at Sophos. He was also the head of corporate communications, and the editor and main writer of Sophos's award-winning Naked Security site, which typically receives 1.5 million pageviews each month.

Mr Cluley has regularly appeared on TV and radio shows around the world, discussing computer security issues.

Eugene Kaspersky

Eugene Kaspersky’s love for mathematics determined his “technical” future. One of his hobbies during high school was to solve problems published in mathematical journals.

During his last few years in high school, he attended extracurricular classes in physics and mathematics at a dedicated program organized by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Eugene spent his last two years of high school taking physics and mathematics courses in a specialized program for gifted students organized by and affiliated with Moscow State University. In 1987, Eugene graduated from the Institute of Cryptography, Telecommunications and Computer Science, where he studied mathematics, cryptography and computer technology, majoring in mathematical engineering. After graduating, Eugene worked at a multi-disciplinary research institute. It was there that Eugene first began studying computer viruses after detecting the Cascade virus on his computer in October 1989. Eugene analyzed the virus and developed a disinfection utility for it – the first such utility he developed. He started collecting malicious programs and disinfection modules for them.

This exotic collection later formed the foundation of the famous antivirus database in Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Today, this database includes more than 4 million records and is one of the most complete antivirus databases in the world. In 1991, Eugene joined the KAMI Information Technologies Center, where he and a group of colleagues developed the AVP antivirus project, which became the prototype for Kaspersky Anti-Virus. International recognition of the project arrived in 1994, when the virtually unknown AVP won a contest conducted by Hamburg University’s test lab, demonstrating a higher virus detection rate than the most popular antivirus programs at the time.

In 1997, Eugene and his colleagues decided to establish an independent company, becoming the founders of Kaspersky Lab. From that moment, he has headed the company's antivirus research.

In 2007, Eugene was named CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

Eugene was voted the World’s Most Powerful Security Exec by SYS-CON Media in 2011, awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Plymouth University in 2012, and named one of Foreign Policy Magazine’s 2012 Top Global Thinkers for his contribution to IT security awareness on a global scale.