Heather R Younger

Heather R Younger is the Founder and CEO of Employee Fanatix, a leading employee engagement and consulting firm. She is a sought-after keynote speaker who brings revealing insights to the stage from over 25,000 employee experiences. A diversity, equity and inclusion strategist, and the world’s leading expert on listening at work, she is the host of the Leadership with Heart Podcast. Heather is a regular contributor to Forbes and Fast Company and is the best-selling author of The 7 Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty, which hit the top of the “Forbes Must-Read List for HR Professionals.” Her latest best-selling book, The Art of Caring Leadership, teaches the radical power of caring support in leadership and in the workplace.

A former attorney who worked for years in corporate America, what is most important to know about Heather is that she brings a breadth of experience – extensive quantitative and qualitative research – and a truly deep passion for advocacy, resilience, human relations, and connection – to every audience, every workshop, every consultation.

When not working, she is a mother of four and a self-proclaimed soccer mom who eats tons of chocolate for self-preservation.