Vinny Troia

Vinny Troia has been hacking his way around systems since he was 10 years old, back when 2400 baud modems and were considered cutting edge technology. Troia has since refined his underground IT skills to include a breadth of knowledge that spans his expertise across security, management, development and administration of inter-connected systems.

Having spent nearly a decade engineering and architecting security systems for the U.S. Department of Defense, Troia has become one of the media’s top go-to experts on cyber-related controversies. Troia was first recognized by the national news media following his discovery of information pertaining to tape-backups as part of the Lois Lerner IRS scandal.

Now, global news networks including Fox News, CNBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Business, regularly invite Troia to participate in on-air discussions pertaining to major corporate data breaches, cyber law and legislation, airline and automobile hacking, and cyber-related scandals.

In 2014, Troia used his ever-increasing national media presence as a platform to establish and launch his company, Night Lion Security. Troia’s unconventional approach to identifying risk within an organization, combined with his ability to interact and work directly with business leaders, has allowed him to become one of the most sought after IT security professionals in the industry.

To that end, John McAfee, the world-renowned cyber security expert and CEO of McAfee Global Technologies (MGT), announced Troia’s recent appointment to MGT’s prestigious Hacker Advisory Board.

As a crowing jewel of his accomplishments, Vinny Troia recently completed his PhD program at Capella University. The topic of his dissertation is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. As of today, Troia is the only person to have written an academic paper on framework mandated by President Trump’s Cyber Executive Order in May 2018.


*   *   *   TESTIMONIALS   *   *   *

There is no greater cyber security talent in any company on the planet. - MGT Hacker Advisory Board


Vinny’s presentation was a hit and the on-demand viewings have exceeded the live attendance! One reseller had this to say: “Based on the presentation from Vinny, we are adding a segment to our business presentations on security and why they need to get rid of the older systems now! That live hack was scary. - Lenovo