Michael J. Jordan keynote speaker

Global Communications Specialist, International Journalist
  • Analyzing Foreign Media Coverage
  • China's Global Communications Challenge (e.g. COVID, Hong Kong, Taiwan)
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Global Communication Skills and Strategies: The MJ Method
  • How to Freelance
  • International Storytelling
  • Measuring Your Company's Impact
  • Media Literacy Skills to Fight Fake News
  • Understanding Your Foreign Audience
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Michael J. Jordan is a New York-based Global Communications Specialist, International Journalist and Visiting Journalism Professor who’s lived on four continents over the past 25 years. He offers clients his unique skillset as a Communications strategist, content creator, impactful storyteller, staff trainer and in-house coach.

Jordan feels fortunate to view Global Communications – and the smart-but-skeptical foreign audience – in a way that few cross- cultural communicators do. First, through the prism of his broad background: as an American who’s also lived in Europe (Hungary and Slovakia), Africa (Lesotho), and Asia (China). Along the way, he’s branched from media, into teaching-training, then Communications.

As a Foreign Correspondent, Jordan has reported from 30 countries and covered topics ranging from the post-Communist transition in Eastern Europe; to the UN’s post-9/11 role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; as well as the failed 2014 coup-attempt in the tiny African kingdom of Lesotho – for publications like Foreign Policy magazine; French news agency AFP; Christian Science Monitor; Harvard’s Nieman Reports; South Africa’s Mail & Guardian; and others.

As an International Educator, Jordan has taught students and trained professionals on four continents – including, at some of China’s finest universities. As a Communications Consultant in Africa, he focused on topics like HIV orphans, maternal-child health and domestic violence; then in China, it was issues such as environmental pollution, worker’s rights, food waste and food safety.

In fact, he’s now privy to a foreigner’s rare “insider” view of China – the world’s second-largest economy and our emerging global superpower. Most recently, he worked for one year as News Editor, Scriptwriter and Foreign-Media Analyst at one of the world’s largest propaganda channels, the China Global Television Network (CGTN). After fleeing Beijing due to the COVID pandemic, last year he worked remotely as a Communications Strategist for one of the world’s most controversial companies: Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant.

Jordan is delighted to share his insights with any audience, along with his toolkit of Global Communication skills and strategies: The MJ Method. At its heart is his conviction that the most persuasive way to impact an audience is with humanized, message-driven, evidence-supported content.

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