Marco Gercke

Prof. Dr. Marco Gercke is an entrepreneur, scientist and consultant. His first focus area is Cybersecurity. With more than 100 speeches in over 100 countries and over 100 scientific publications, Prof. Gercke is one of the world's leading experts in the field of cybersecurity and cybercrime. He is the founder and director of the Cybercrime Research Institute, an independent research institute and think tank based in Cologne. He advises governments, organizations and large enterprises around the world on strategic, political and legal issues in the field of cybersecurity. The main focus of his work is the development of innovative approaches to tackling a problem that has developed into one of the most challenging issues for governments and businesses in recent years – Cybercrime.  Over the past 15 years, he has worked in over 100 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific and Latin America.

As a respected and experienced speaker, Prof. Gercke offers excellent and useful insider knowledge on the subject of cybersecurity due to his many years of activity and internal view. His lectures are clearly structured, very informative and include practical examples. As an eloquent and experienced speaker Marco usually gives free speeches without slides – an approach that allows him to adjust the response from the audience at all time.

In addition to speeches, Prof. Gercke is conducting "Cyber ​​Incident Simulations" with governments and board members of large enterprises. These are not technical simulations, but a “war gaming” / “serious gaming” approach, which allows the participants to check their capabilities in dealing with sophisticated attacks. The basis can be a real or a fictitious company (with different branches of industry available). Depending on the decision of the participants the plot of the simulation develops dynamically. It is also highly interactive and allows an interaction with the audience.

In the last years Prof. Gercke has carried out such simulations worldwide with numerous governments and board members of large enterprises. The simulation was also run for World Bank, the European Central Bank and the United Nations, and has been part of the Munich Security Conference program for the last three years. Global Speakers Bureau clients can book such simulation giving the audience an exclusive insight into how ministers and directors of large companies are preparing for cyber attacks.

The second focus of his lecture and advising activities are the digitization and its effects - especially with regard to "Machine Learning" and Artificial Intelligence. In the 90th he founded a company that utilized "Machine Learning" to develop software solutions for medical diagnostics. He was responsible for the development of the underlying technology. The next company he founded, a media agency, used "machine learning" and artificial intelligence for user interaction. Today, he focuses on advising international organizations and executive boards of major companies on issues related to the opportunities and risks of digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence. As an entrepreneur, scientist and consultant, his speeches are visionary and provide an insight into the significant development in this area.

Marco believes in customization of speeches. He does not give the same speech twice and is always open to discussing with organizers of events how to best tailor the speech to the event and audience.

Michael Durst

At Siemens Business Services, Michael worked in Strategy Consultancy and conducted digitization projects from the late 1990s onwards. Back then, the buzz words commonly used were IT Strategy, Enterprise Architecture, and E-Commerce. He was involved in numerous projects in the automotive industry, insurance companies, banks, public utility companies and machine manufacturing.
From 2006 to 2009, Michael took on a management position at adidas AG where he set up and managed the department for Innovations & Research. Michael’s team supported and conducted projects involving tasks such as the digitization of product development, digital services for retail, e-commerce, digital marketing or mass customization.
Following his career in the industry, Durst founded ITONICS GmbH in 2009 because he was always looking for a software solution that holistically and collaboratively maps all innovation management processes. In the meantime, they have grown to a team of over 60 employees on three continents who supply customers like Audi, Benteler, BMW, Brose, Cisco, Evonik, Intel, Osram, PepsiCo, Siemens or Total Oil&Gas with integrated innovation management solutions.
After gaining PhD and working several years in the industry, Michael holds a professorship for Business Information Systems at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economy and Management in Nuremberg from 2010 to 2016. Furthermore, he works as a visiting lecturer at various universities such as the European Business School, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Steinbeis University Berlin or at the Technical University Braunschweig.