Virtual Keynote: watch online

COVID-19 pandemic has forced a lot of entrepreneurs to digitize their companies.
With most of the employees working from home we are now entering a new era on the job market. What are the predictions for the future and what can we do to prepare for upcoming inevitable changes? We have decided to invite 4 experts and authorities in tech industry to answer our burning questions about the future and share their predictions on what post-corona might look like. The virtual keynote event took place on 5th of May and was broadcasted live through Zoom. If you haven’t had a chance to see it live, we’re happy to announce that the video is now available to watch online - you can find the link at the end of the article! Event was hosted and moderated by one and only Stephen Sackur. Who joined him to discuss the impact of COVID-10 on TECH industry during our virtual keynote?
Our first #virtualkeynote has been a huge success! See the trailer here!
If you have any questions about startups, Uri Levine is the right person to answer them all! Uri Levine is a co-founder, active chairman and first investor at FeeX. Why this startup is so important? It helped find end reduce hidden fees on financial services and played a big role in addressing this problem in the size of $600 billion in the US alone!
That’s not his only contribution in the start up industry. Uri Levine is an active member / chairman or investor in:
- Zeek
- Engie
- FairFly
- Moovit
- Roomer
The list goes on and we’re excited to see him engage with new interesting projects. During our virtual keynote, Stephen Sackur asked about his predictions for the future from the perspective of an entrepreneur. Are you curious what he replied? Here’s a little sneak peek!
1991 - that’s the year when Mikko’s journey at F-secure started! Since then he fought the biggest malware outbreaks in the net that lead to catching several online criminals. He’s the person responsible for tracking down the person responsible for the very first PC virus! Mikko is truly an expert when it comes to topics such as:
- cyber sabotage
- cyberwar
- online espionage
- future of internet
- online privacy
- bitcoin
His experience and expertise in the cyber security is very impressive. As a result he was listed as one of the 50 most important people on the Web aby PC World magazine. As a go-to expert on future of internet he appeared on our virtual keynote: TECH climate under COVID-19. During the talk, Mikko has shared a truly interesting view on controversial contact-tracing apps. Are they safe? What technology are they based on? Find out the answers for those burning questions in our video.
Mark van Rijmenam is a well-known expert on artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data. He’s also an author of best-selling books: Think bigger, Blockchain and The organisation of Tomorrow. Have we mentioned that he started his virtual keynotes and webinars way before covid-19? That’s just one of the many reasons we asked him to join our talk.
What will be the impact of covid-19 on future of work? Who is a Digital Employee? How to prepare ourselves for post-corona world in terms of analytics and data organisation? Learn more about upcoming changes in our video.
Pieter Abbeel is a Berkeley Professor and Director of the Robot Learning Lab at UC Berkeley since 2008. His work focuses on apprenticeship learning as well as meta-learning and reinforcements learning. If you’re not familiar with those terms, let us shortly explain! His research is dedicated to… robots! And he accomplished extraordinary effects: his robots learned advanced helicopter aerobatics, organizing laundry or vision-based robotic manipulation.
During our talk, Pieter was asked to share his prediction regarding the future of work. Are robots coming after our jobs? What are their limitations?
Finally, let’s not forget our remarkable host! Some of you may recognize him as a presenter of HARDtalk, BBC World News' flagship current affairs interview programme. With a keen interest in politics, he has covered topics such as: 2000 US presidential elections, the clinton scandal and impeachment trial, guns and weapon manufacturer lawsuits in the US. We’re very pleased that this incredible journalist has accepted our invitation to host virtual keynote and interview our guests.
Hopefully we provided you with more than one reason to spare 1 hour of your time and watch our video! Are you in? You can find recording of Zoom meeting on out YouTube channel: